This online course empowers you to flourish your fertility by simplifying the research on exactly what you can do to optimize health for pregnancy. 

Theres a lot to cover in your fertility & family doctor appointments and lifestyle factors often don't get the time they deserve!

Strategic adjustments in 
   - nutrition 
   - exercise 
   - supplementation 
   - acupuncture 
can have a significant impact on fertility.

You can feel empowered & supported through the 
entire fertility journey

We take the questions & worry out of WHAT you can do to optimize your health for pregnancy with...

A mindfully designed, Naturopathic Doctor-led online program that empowers you to take charge of your health, to enhance fertility and optimize your chances of getting pregnant.

No matter what stage of the fertility journey you’re at 

- whether you’re planning to start trying 
to get pregnant in the next year
- on a waitlist for a fertility clinic or 

- undergoing fertility treatments… 

This comprehensive and individualized online program is of incredible benefit to enhance your fertility!

At Flourish you always have the right to choose 
what is best for you.

After supporting thousands on their fertility journey 
we've identified 3 main reasons our patients seek Naturopathic Fertility Care: 

1 - Egg Factor Fertility 
2 - Sperm Factor Fertility or 
3 - Weight Management to Support Fertility

This is why we’ve made Fleur customizable to you! 

Customized to Your Priorities

Choose ONE or Have it ALL

 This is for you if…
you’re looking, solely, to enhance egg factor 
 This is for you if…
you’re looking, solely, to enhance sperm factor fertility.
This is for you if… 
managing weight is your only obstacle to optimizing fertility. 

If you’re not sure, or you just want it all? 
Choose Fleur to get access to Bloom, Seed & Balance 

You Can Expect ...

✓ To gain knowledge around what you can do to optimize your fertility
✓ To feel empowered with practical strategies to improve nutrition, lifestyle and supplementation
✓ To save time in medical appointments - no longer having questions about the “wellness side” of fertility 
 ✓ No BS - everything presented in Fleur is evidenced-based and shown to improve fertility and pregnancy rates  
✓ A deeper understanding about your reproductive system and hormones   
 ✓ To walk away knowing that you are fully equipped with all the knowledge to Flourish Your Fertility! 

What We Cover In The Complete

The Preconception Period

✓ The importance of the preconception period
✓ A deeper understanding of the menstrual cycle
✓ Understand Sperm Factor Fertility 
✓ Dispel wellness myths related to fertility and pregnancy

Factors Affecting Sperm & Egg Health

✓ How lifestyle factors affect both egg and/or sperm factor fertility - Specifically smoking, alcohol, marijuana, caffeine and exercise
✓ Stress management techniques and tips to optimize sleep 
✓ Understand the impact of body weight on fertility and how to manage your weight if needed.
✓ Learn about hormone disrupting chemicals in our personal environment, i.e. pesticides & beauty products 
✓ Know how other environmental factors, like temperature, can impact sperm  

Weight & Metabolic Health in Fertility

✓ Learn how to assess the need for weight management and identify your obstacles to changing your weight
✓ Understand contributing factors to body weight like hormone imbalance
✓ Our top recommended diet to improve fertility (and how to apply it in real life)
✓ Develop effective strategies for weight management to achieve your ideal weight for health optimization
✓ Understand the impact of body weight and insulin resistance on fertility

Nutrition: What Matters & What Does Not

✓ Our top recommended diet to improve fertility (and how to actual implement it in your daily life!) 
✓ Specific, individualised meal plans for egg and sperm factor fertility enhancement 
✓ Dispelling fertility food myths: Is dairy bad? What about carbs, soy or gluten?

Essential Nutrients for Fertility

✓ Essential supplementation during preconception phase to optimize fertility, plus, which natural health products to avoid during preconception phase
✓ Review what testing should be done now — whether you’re on the ART waitlist or trying to get pregnant in “the wild”

Key Resources & Tools Include: 

✓ Meal Plans
✓ Testing To Do
✓ Chemicals to Avoid
✓ Essential Supplements
✓ How to Track Ovulation

Your key learnings are customizable to your individual goals.

Understand the Difference between
Bloom, Seed, Balance & The Complete Fleur Program

How It's Delivered ...

Specific Video Modules + Key Resources and Tools

By Flourish’s team of fertility focused 
Naturopathic Doctors

Organized all-in-one spot for easy access 

And So Much More!

At Flourish, we are committed to making evidence-based strategies to enhance fertility clear, accessible and actionable. 

We’ve combined the latest research into a practical preconception health program that those trying to conceive can implement into their lives. 

And we made it available online and customizable to your individual needs!

BONUS Gifts…

to help you get the most out of your preconception program


Top Menstrual Tracking Apps for Fertility 


Flourishing Fertility Checklist


Health 101

Valued At $5000+

Available now for ONLY $397! 

Are you ready to start flourishing YOUR fertility without wasting 
your time, money — or your mind?

If your only concern is…

Egg Factor 
Choose Bloom for 
only $299
Sperm Factor 
Choose Seed for 
only $250
Optimal Weight 
Choose Bloom for 
only $175


Hi, I’m Dr. Aisling Lanigan, ND.

My mission is to support people to get pregnant and Flourish throughout their pregnancies! 
I believe with all of my being that we CAN ‘have it all’. We can be parents, partners, siblings, and friends…
But only when we feel amazing. When we’re heard, seen AND supported! Not “I’m fine”, not 7 out of 10… only when we are truly flourishing!
I know this now, but I was once where you are too!

While going through my own fertility journey, I recognized that there is a massive lack of standardization in allied health. 

We are NOT all created equal
Did you know that a holistic practitioner once told me to wear yellow and shine a red light at my vagina when I was trying to conceive? *shakes head*

There won’t be any of that in The Fleur Preconception Program! 

My mission is to empower people to improve their health and fertility so they can get pregnant, flourish during pregnancy and restore themselves to their pre-baby glory... and then some.

That’s why I’m offering you easy access to only the highest quality, evidence-based recommendations and actionable strategies that will set you on the path to flourishing your fertility.

Say goodbye to… unfounded, conflicting or extreme fertility recommendations.
Feel confident and empowered in knowing you ARE doing everything you can to improve your fertility and optimize your chances of getting pregnant! Starting now.

Your Investment Today
Complete Fleur Preconception Program

Valued well over $5000 

ONLY $397

At Flourish you always have the option to choose what is best for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

 Is this program considered medical treatment?

No, it's not. Fleur is for educational and informational purposes only. It does not replace medical assessment or treatment.

 How is the content delivered?

On-demand video modules by Dr. Aisling Lanigan, Dr. Melissa Descoteaux N.D. and other health experts, plus access to your tools and resources, are all available through your course hub.  

 Will I have to follow a restricted diet?

NO! We will be adding real food into your diet, no restrictive diets here! 

  I've been trying to conceive for years and have been told that my chances of getting pregnant are very low – will this program still be of benefit to me?

Fleur (which includes Bloom, Seed and Balance) will give you the knowledge to implement strategies to improve egg or sperm quality and environment for pregnancy. If you have been trying for longer than 12 months typically one of these needs support. 

 Will this program help me increase my ART, i.e. IVF or IUI success?

YES! All of the recommendations are based on research which demonstrates a positive impact on fertility/ pregnancy outcomes.

 Will this program help me optimize getting pregnant in the wild / on my own?

YES! This program is great for people just starting to think about pregnancy and what they can do to optimize their health before conception.

 I haven’t even started trying yet, and don’t even know if I have fertility issues - will this program help me?

YES! You will learn in this program that the ideal preconception phase (meaning the ideal timeframe to prepare for conception) is 3 months at minimum. If you are thinking you would like to be pregnant within the next year this is the best place to start! 

 What is the refund policy?

If you aren’t satisfied with the program, please reach out within 7 days of purchasing, and we’ll refund you fully. 

By uncovering your personal fertility roadblocks, and gaining the knowledge, tools and resources to improve your preconception wellness…

You can optimize your fertility, your health - and future pregnancy outcomes.

You don’t have to waste more time, money and energy trying to figure out your fertility.

Be empowered NOW and 
Flourish YOUR Fertility with Fleur!

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